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CTAA Text Book V1.02 2020

The Canadian Technical Asphalt Association (CTAA) has compiled information of the current state of the
practice in bituminous materials engineering and research in Canada. The CTAA declines all responsibility,
direct or indirect, for the accuracy of the information in this book or the consequences of the use of this

The information presented in the document should in no way substitute for the opinion of a professional
certified to practice in the field of bituminous materials engineering or research in Canada or other
jurisdiction. The Canadian Technical Asphalt Association, its representatives and its agents accept no
responsibility for any error, inaccuracy or omission related to the information in this book.

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1st Edition, 2018
Copyright © 2018

ISBN: 978-0-9869141-8-8

All rights Reserved
Canadian Technical Asphalt Association


CTAA Text Book V1.02 2020


Members Only
